Monday, November 22, 2010

Movin' ahead

The water mitigation team estimated that we had about 300 gallons of water in our basement. Once the water was sucked out, it was very easy to see where the water tank was leaking. We spent $1300 on a new water tank and it was installed yesterday. Today, the repair crew pulled off the moldings and cut into the drywall and removed the wet areas. Also, wet insulation was removed. The carpet that we just installed a few months ago, de-laminated with the water damage so is considered not usable. The rest of day will be spent letting things dry out. Tomorrow brings more repairs.

Keep your fingers crossed that this does not freak out our buyer. We don't want her to pull out of the deal. The basement will be as good or better than before. She certainly will have a better water heater and new carpet!

1 comment:

  1. Ughh! So sorry for your bad luck! Hopefully everything will close as planned!
