Saturday, May 16, 2009


I decided I was tired of Pearl's sheepdog look so I cut bangs last night. I think they came out pretty good.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dentist appointment

Carli and Pearl went to the dentist on Wednesday. Again, Carli had no cavities. She was done in less than 15 minutes! Pearl has four teeth on top, two on the bottom and two molars. The dentist said it was strange that she did not have four on the bottom before the molars started coming in. He did not even feel teeth in her gums. So she might be missing two bottom teeth. The dentist is going to watch the situation. Otherwise she, too, passed with flying colors.

Re-adoption paperwork

I filed our re-adoption paperwork with the State of Oregon on Wednesday. Wrote a couple more checks and then mailed a second set of paperwork to the DHS in Salem. Now, we wait about eight weeks for a form to come back. I then take that form back to the court house for another four week wait. And then finally, Pearl will be ours in name and body. We will get a new birth certificate with her American name and Eric and my name on it as the birth parents. I like to think we are in the final leg of the marathon...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Frog Girl

Carli had her first play today at school. Her role was Little Frog and had one of the few speaking parts. In between all the giggling, you could hear her lines! The puppets were made by the children and were so cute. I think there were many proud parents in the audience.