Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pearl's 2-year check up

This morning we visited the pediatrician for Pearl's 2-year check up. All is looking good (especially after last week's drama!) She weighs 22 pounds, 31 inches in height and head circumference of 44.9 cm. From her 18 month check up that is a 3 pound gain and 2 inches in height.

She also got two shots. She was calm for most of the visit but was saying "bye-bye" to everyone as soon as we got there.

The hospital bills are starting to roll in...for the first emergency room visit lasting 4 hours, the bill was $3500! Eric and I are taking bets on what the two day hospital stay and the ambulance ride will cost.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back to normal

Pearl is pretty much back to normal and so the girls spent the afternoon playing with the dollhouse Carli got for Christmas. Even Mickey got into the action.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Update Four

We are HOME! And we have some answers. Essentially a staff infection entered through the shoulder scratched area. Her body basically went into Toxic Shock. The doctor told us that if Pearl had not gotten to the hospital when she did, the outcome could have been very different. Pearl is on antibiotics for the next five days and we just need to watch her.

Update Three

Pearl has really dry skin and has scratches and scabs all over her body from scratching. Even though she was given a double dose of anti-scratch medicine, Eric said she scratched all last night. Pearl has an area on her shoulder about 4 inches long that she has scratched until it bleeds, it then scabs over and she scratches it again until it bleeds. The doctor now thinks that the infection entered from this area. But again, we need to wait until we get the cultures back today.

Our regular doctor has already visited this morning. We are now waiting for the hospital doctor to visit. It will be key for Pearl to keep down her breakfast this morning in order to start the process of being released. But those culture results seem to hold the key.

We are off to the hospital now.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Update Two

Carli and I just got home. Pearl still has her fever and rash. The nurses are giving her two antibiotics. She ate a great lunch but then threw everything up and so we were not able to go home tonight. Hopefully tomorrow the skin culture and the throat culture will be back and the doctor will have more information for us on what is going on. Eric is spending the night again at the hospital.

The good news is that she kept her dinner down (although she did not eat much) and her disposition is really good. Carli was sitting and playing with her and Pearl was smiling and talking. Hopefully we will all be home tomorrow.


Pearl was taken by ambulance at 2:30 a.m. to the local children's hospital, Emanuel. Pearl's regular doctor has already visited this morning and the staff doctor should be in soon. They think she has some type of staff infection but will take a skin culture this morning to narrow down the diagnosis. Eric says she is still as red and swollen as last night. Carli and I are off to the hospital.

Emergency Room

It is amazing how quickly things can change. Yesterday we celebrated Pearl's birthday and today she is in the emergency room. Tonight when I picked her up from daycare her skin was red and irritated and her face was a little swollen. The irritated skin is nothing new so at first I did not worry. I took her temperature when we got home and it was 99 degrees. A little later her temperature was 100 degrees. At 9 p.m. I checked her temperature again and it was 102.7 degrees. Also her body was completely red like she was sunburned---really sunburned. I called the doctor and she said to take her to the emergency room because it could be blood poisoning.

It is a little after midnight and Eric is still at the emergency room. They are doing some tests and have Pearl on an I.V. They also want to admit her to the hospital. It is going to be a long night. Eric says Pearl is wiped out and therefore pretty compliant. I can't sleep with worry.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pearl is 2 today!

Pearl has reached another milestone--her second birthday. Carli's classroom has made birthday cards for her and plan on singing "Happy Birthday" to her when I volunteer in the classroom today. We are also going out for Vietnamese food tonight. Although Pearl does not "really" understand the concept, she is walking around saying "birthday" and "2". It is pretty cute.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Carli loves playing with Pearl. And Pearl loves doing whatever her big sister does! It really is an ideal situation for both of them. They especially like building forts and playing hide and seek.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Volunteerism is good!

Carli and her Brownie troop volunteered last night at the Oregon Food Bank. She went to school all day and did not come home until 9 p.m. last night. Even with the long day, though, she arrived home energetic and happy! She excitedly told me that "115 families will eat because her troop organized and loaded 10,000 pounds of food!" They had oats duty and formed a production line to bag and distribute bags of oats for food boxes.

Carli definitely wants to volunteer again. I have pictures in my mind of us volunteering together. YIPEE!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Potty action

Pearl has been going pee in the potty for the last three days. She is quite proud of herself and claps while saying "big girl". Today she did number 2 in the potty. We were both shocked! She did not know what to make of the "item" in the potty. Eric suggested I take a picture but I am saving you from that visual! Let's hope this keeps up. It would be great to be out of diapers.