Monday, May 31, 2010

Camp Collins

Carli went to Camp Collins with her Brownie Troop on May 22-23. It was her first overnight camping trip. I asked her how it went and she said she loved it and that the cabins were "even heated!" I asked her if anything would have made it better and she said "if there were mini-fridges in each of the cabins and they were stocked with popsicles it would have been perfect!" She may be on to something...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pearl's haircut

Pearl got a haircut today. Carli really wanted Pearl to have hair just like her so we cut Pearl's hair short! It is a good summer cut. Pearl sat very still while her hair was being cut and was quite proud of her new look. She kept saying "Gina, haircut."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Is Spring finally here?

It is finally a balmy 64 degrees today. Given the nice weather, Carli and her friend decided to do some tree climbing. I also planted the garden today with five types of tomatoes, rhubarb, lettuce and pole beans. And my poppies are just amazing!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Carli decided that for Mother's Day we should go to the beach so we headed over to Cannon Beach this morning. It was a beautiful sunny, windy day. We stopped at our favorite chowder place and then headed to the beach for shell hunting, sand castle building and ball playing. We then got ice cream and headed home. It was great day.

Chukee Cheese

While I was at a baby shower last night, Eric had the "good fortune" of taking Carli and Pearl to Chuckee Cheese with our friend Greg. I am happy to report that Eric survived it and the girls had a great time!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Potty training

Yesterday when I picked up Pearl from daycare, they told me she wore panties all day and did not have an accident. I rushed to the store and bought panties. Pearl picked Hello Kitty panties. Today she is home with me and we have the panties on. We will see how it goes. Pearl is very proud of herself, though.