Thursday, July 30, 2009

Test results

The test results all came back negative, meaning that nothing showed up to be concerned about. Our doctor still would like us to meet with the occupational therapist and a pediatric gastroentertologist.

As far as we are concerned Pearl is normal....motor skills, language skills, curiosity and learning skills, appetite etc. If one or all of these things were suffering I would be really concerned but that is not the case. Needless to say, I have been feeding her even more. I will speak to doctor and the occupational therapist and look for additional strategies but my gut tells me this is something Pearl will work through. Since we have no genetic history on this child who knows what we are really dealing with but I am encouraged by all the other positive signs she is displaying.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad everything checked out okay! I just bet that Pearl is on the verge of a big growth spurt.
